Zyka or Zaika means taste or flavor in Turkish. And what is life without the flavor of change, of staying the course and yet redefining it? Mike Crittenden said, “If you’re overthinking, write, if you’re underthinking, read“. And that is exactly what this is – a digital outpouring of a text book overthinker. So, this site is about nothing (I’m looking at you Seinfeld) and everything.
Each day is a new chance to learn, an opportunity to feel intrigued and inspired, to experience something new.
But, it’s also a chance to slow down and focus on what’s important. You.
Cutting out the clutter and just focussing on you is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself. Even if it’s for a little while; pamper yourself. Treat yourself. Allow yourself the luxury of taking the time just want to put your feet up and browse aimlessly, finding something new along the way.