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Showing: 9 RESULTS

Gud-wali chai deserves more love than it gets

Chai is a love language – at least in India. Chai with friends at a tapri, with work colleagues in the office canteen, with bae in bed, with your mum (spilling tea of course IYKYK), with dad bas yun hi, with siblings after arguing over who’s going to make said chai and of course sipping it early in the morning enjoying some alone time.  Simple, sweet kadak chai is always …

Things to do in Mumbai on a Weekend

Weekends are so polarising. One weekend you just want to vegetate at home in your pyjamas, the next you want to spend at malls, in a theatre or taking a walk on Marine Drive. While making the most of a weekend isn’t that difficult in Mumbai, sometimes you just need some direction. So, I suggest the next time you want to spend the weekends outdoors, revisit this article and then …

Back to School Checklist

The start of a new school year is chock full of mixed feelings – from parents and children alike. Each school year starts with its own set of challenges but having a smooth transition is not difficult if you have your ducks in a row. Check out this simple list from uniform to tiffin to ensure the anticipation and excitement of the first day of school isn’t marred by chaos!  …

4 Risky Trends on Social Media

What do you do on social media? Laugh at the memes? Join a trend? Enjoy the comments more than the post? Have a fight in the comments section? Troll celebrities? Share excessively? Scroll endlessly? Get inspired? Make new friends? All of the above? Whatever you do on social media, you need to avoid getting suckered into believing “influencers”. There are four things you need to NOT believe blindly when scrolling …

Covert and Deadly – Why Gaslighting Should be Taken Seriously

Who knew that a 1938 play would shock the world into introspecting one of the most covert forms of mental abuse and manipulation? Eventually the name of the play became the term for a sort of psychological and emotional abuse that has seen a lot of attention in recent times, thanks to a number of social factors. You already know what we’re talking about and have likely recognised the signs …

Silent Dehydration: What You Absolutely Must Know

Mumbai weather just can’t seem to make up its mind and we’re to remind you that even if you don’t feel hot or parched you could totally suffer from silent dehydration. This state of dehydration can be very tricky as the symptoms may not be noticeable. Unlike typical dehydration, which may cause symptoms such as thirst, dry mouth, dark urine, fatigue, and dizziness, silent dehydration can occur without these overt …

16 indoor activity ideas for a fantastic summer vacation

Kids wait for their summer vacations all year long and parents tend to dread them as children can get bored easily and keeping them occupied for two months is a feat. If you aren’t planning on taking a long holiday or aren’t going on one at all, I think this might help you out a bit. This list of activities is by no means comprehensive, but should serve as a …

Fear Vs. Phobia – How To Tell The Difference

The word “phobia” is one that is sometimes used callously. A real phobia can cause debilitating fear in a person and can interfere with they day-to-day-living, life, relationships and even their jobs. People tend to use this word when describing someone who fears an object, situation or activity. But, what they forget, is the degree of that fear. Fear and phobia are both emotional responses to a perceived threat, but …

All Phobias Are Not Irrational – Here’s How To Battle Them Successfully

Did you know that there are people who suffer from phobia of chins, of snow, or even books? While it sounds completely irrational to some, to those suffering from a phobia, the fear is real and intense. A person can develop a phobia due to many reasons and these include past experiences and cultural influences. A family history of anxiety disorders could also make someone more likely to develop a …