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Showing: 12 RESULTS

An Avocado-rable Breakfast You Need To Try Today!

I found this easy recipe for a healthy breakfast and couldn’t help but be amazed at the simplicity. I’ve been trying to include healthy fats in my meals and every responsible literature I’ve read about healthy fats points to avocados and eggs. Now this buttery gorgeous green fruit is not native to India and is not available locally or from the next door “bhaajiwala”. You have to buy it online …

Saffron: The Queen of Spices

Ever tried making Biryani or Malpua without those gorgeous deep red orange strands of saffron? Isn’t quite the same, is it? The most expensive spice in the world is a luxury addition to Indian food and does what vanilla does to “Western” food. Lifts it. Its complex taste is nuanced, sweet, floral and yet earthy. The origins of this highly expensive spice is debatable but most literature points to Iran. …