The word “phobia” is one that is sometimes used callously. A real phobia can cause debilitating fear in a person and can interfere with they day-to-day-living, life, relationships and even their jobs. People tend to use this word when describing someone who fears an object, situation or activity. But, what they forget, is the degree of that fear.

Fear and phobia are both emotional responses to a perceived threat, but they differ in their intensity, duration, and impact on a person’s life. Fear is a natural and normal response to a real or perceived danger, whereas a phobia is an intense and persistent fear or aversion to a specific object, situation, or activity that is typically out of proportion to the actual threat.

Here are some ways to differentiate between fear and phobia –


Fear is a normal response to a perceived threat, and it usually subsides once the threat is no longer present. In contrast, a phobia is an intense and persistent fear that can cause panic attacks, avoidance behavior, and other physical and psychological symptoms.


Fear is a short-term response that usually subsides quickly once the threat is gone. A phobia, on the other hand, can persist for years, even if the person is aware that the fear is irrational.


Fear is usually proportional to the actual threat. For example, feeling fear when encountering a wild animal in the wilderness is a natural response. However, a phobia involves an exaggerated fear response to a specific object, situation, or activity that is out of proportion to the actual danger posed.

Impact on daily life

Fear does not usually interfere significantly with a person’s daily life, while a phobia can be very disruptive, causing a person to avoid certain places, activities, or objects that are essential to one’s existence.

Here are some common and some not so common phobias. 

Ablutophobia – Fear of bathing or cleaning

Achluophobia – Fear of darkness

Acousticophobia – Fear of loud sounds

Acrophobia – Fear of heights

Aerophobia – Fear of flying

Agoraphobia – Fear of open spaces or crowded spaces or of leaving one’s home

Agyrophobia – Fear of crossing roads

Allodoxaphobia – Fear of opinions

Anablephobia – Fear of looking up

Anatidaephobia – Fear of being watched by a duck

Androphobia – Fear of men

Anthophobia – Fear of flowers

Aphenphosmphobia – Fear of intimacy or being touched

Arachibutyrophobia – Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

Arachnophobia – Fear of spiders

Arithmophobia – Fear of numbers

Astraphobia – Fear of thunder and lightning

Athazagoraphobia – Fear of being forgotten/Fear of being ignored

Automatonophobia – Fear of human-like figures like mannequins, robots etc.

Barophobia – Fear of gravity

Batophobia – Fear of being close to tall buildings

Bibliophobia – Fear of books

Blennophobia – Fear of slime

Cacomorphobia – Fear of fat people

Catoptrophobia – Fear of mirrors

Chaetophobia – Fear of hair

Chionophobia – Fear of snow

Chrometophobia – Fear of money

Chronophobia – Fear of time

Cinophobia – Fear of dogs

Claustrophobia – Fear of small spaces

Coulrophobia – Fear of clowns

Cynophobia – Fear of dogs

Decidophobia – Fear of making decisions

Deipnophobia – Fear of dinner parties

Dendrophobia – Fear of trees

Dentophobia – Fear of dentists

Domatophobia – Fear of being inside a house

Dromophobia – Fear of crossing streets

Dysmorphophobia – Fear of physical deformities

Ecclesiophobia – Fear of churches

Eleutherophobia – Fear of freedom

Emphysema – Fear of pulmonary emphysema

Entomophobia – Fear of insects

Eosophobia – Fear of dawn or daylight

Ephebiphobia – Fear of teenagers

Ephebiphobia – Fear of youth

Epistemophobia – Fear of knowledge

Erythrophobia – Fear of blushing

Euphobia – Fear of hearing good news

Frigophobia – Fear of becoming cold

Galeophobia – Fear of sharks

Geliophobia – Fear of laughter

Geniophobia – Fear of chins

Genuphobia – Fear of knees

Gephyrophobia – Fear of bridges

Gerascophobia – Fear of aging

Glossophobia – Fear of public speaking

Graphophobia – Fear of writing

Gymnophobia – Fear of nudity

Hadephobia – Fear of hell

Hamartophobia – Fear of sinning

Haphephobia – Fear of touch

Heliophobia – Fear of sunlight

Heliophobia – Fear of the sun

Hemophobia – Fear of blood

Herpetophobia – Fear of reptiles

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia – Fear of the number 666

Hierophobia – Fear of sacred things

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – Fear of long words

Homichlophobia – Fear of fog

Hydrophobia – Fear of water

Hylophobia – Fear of forests

Hypnophobia – Fear of sleep or falling asleep

Iatrophobia – Fear of doctors or medical tests

Ichthyophobia – Fear of fish

Ideophobia – Fear of ideas

Kinetophobia – Fear of movement or motion

Koinoniphobia – Fear of rooms full of people

Kymophobia – Fear of waves or wave-like motion

Lachanophobia – Fear of vegetables

Laliophobia – Fear of erring while speaking

Levophobia – Fear of things on the left side of the body

Lockiophobia – Fear of childbirth

Macrophobia – Fear of long waits

Mageirocophobia – Fear of cooking

Malaxophobia – Fear of love play

Metrophobia – Fear of poetry

Molysmophobia – Fear of contamination

Mysophobia – Fear of germs or dirt

Nomatophobia – Fear of names

Nomophobia – Fear of being without a mobile phone

Nyctophobia – Fear of the dark

Octophobia – Fear of the number 8

Ombrophobia – Fear of rain

Onomatophobia – Fear of hearing a certain words or names

Ophidiophobia – Fear of snakes

Optophobia – Fear of opening one’s eyes

Panphobia – Fear of everything

Peladophobia – Fear of bald people

Phagophobia – Fear of swallowing

Phobophobia – Fear of developing a phobia

Phronemophobia – Fear of thinking

Podophobia – Fear of feet

Pogonophobia – Fear of beards

Proctophobia – Fear of rectums

Pteromerhanophobia – Fear of flying

Rhytiphobia – Fear of wrinkles

Sarmassophobia – Fear of love play or physical intimacy

Scelerophobia – Fear of bad men, burglars

Sesquipedalophobia – Fear of long words

Social anxiety disorder – Fear of social situations

Somniphobia – Fear of sleep

Syngenesophobia – Fear of relatives

Taphophobia – Fear of being buried alive

Telephonophobia – Fear of telephones

Tetraphobia – Fear of the number 4

Thanatophobia – Fear of death or dying

Triskaidekaphobia – Fear of the number 13

Trypophobia – Fear of holes or patterns

Urophobia – Fear of urine or urinating

Venustraphobia – Fear of beautiful women

Vestiphobia – Fear of clothing

Wiccaphobia – Fear of witches and witchcraft

Xanthophobia – Fear of the color yellow

Xenoglossophobia – Fear of foreign languages

Zoophobia – Fear of animals

Feature image by MART PRODUCTION