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Showing: 2 RESULTS

Best Songs for a Rainy Day

A rained out day demands some chai, bhajiya and of course great tunes and if Bollywood has anything, it has the most sublime, slow songs perfect for a rainy day. Check out this list of soothing songs that aren’t necessarily about the rains but make for great listening when you’re indoors and enjoying the rains. Whether it is chai, wine, hot chocolate or good ol’ coffee these songs make for …

Silent Dehydration: What You Absolutely Must Know

Mumbai weather just can’t seem to make up its mind and we’re to remind you that even if you don’t feel hot or parched you could totally suffer from silent dehydration. This state of dehydration can be very tricky as the symptoms may not be noticeable. Unlike typical dehydration, which may cause symptoms such as thirst, dry mouth, dark urine, fatigue, and dizziness, silent dehydration can occur without these overt …